Coding Guidelines
It is important to write easy-to-understand and easy-to-maintain code…
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Whilst the most important apsect of coding is that your code works correctly and does what it is supposed to do, it is just as important to write code that is clear, well structured and easy to follow. It is often said that “code is written once and read many times”, with a ratio of 10 to 1 sometime quoted. Code readabilty is of the utmost importance.
Also, this is not easy to get right and the only way to improve is to practice and gain experience!
Don’t try to be too clever!
In the Advanced Lab Python is a tool to enable us to do Physics - the aim of Python in the lab is not to write the cleverest code possible. Often clever coding (including trying to completley automate analyses) leads to code that is difficult to understand and hard to debug.
“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.” (Kernighan’s Law)
Good Practice: PEP 8
Good program structure, including splitting code across multiples lines if appropriate, chosing good names for variables, adding helpful comments etc. can really aid the readability of code.
It is highly recommended to have a look at and try to follow the PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code. A shorter introduction is available here: How to Write Beautiful Python Code With PEP 8. Ultimately, be critical of how you present your code (try to view it from the perspective of someone else reading it) and apply common sense!
Here is a link to a document advising Best practices for writing code comments (examples are not Python but C/C++).
There is a software package called Black which you can run on your code to automatically re-format to mostly confrom to PEP 8 (it does not do calculations very well, unfortunately). It can also be installed into Jupyter Notebooks so that cells can be reformatted - see this page.
Advanced Lab Reports
From the perspective of the Advanced Lab reports, please always check the code in the PDF document that you submit as, in many cases, lines that are too long are often truncated. Care should really be taken to split long lines across multiple lines instead.
If you are using a Jypyter Notebook and you are coding up a Physics equations, it can be very helpful to have the equation displayed using LaTeX in a Markdown cell impediately before the code cell, and to structure the Python code similar to the mathematical form.
Using Python Libraries
In general you should use standard Python libraries (Numpy, SciPy, AstroPy) for the majority of mathematical operations. However, there are many many more Python libraries available and use of these should be discussed with the staff member responsible for your laboratory experiment.
If additional libraries is used then an explanation should be given of what exactly the functions you are calling do, with links to some documentation (the staff cannot be expected to be familiar with every Python library out there!)
Code Plagiarism
Code plagiarism can be a serious issue and blindly copying code off the internet and incorporating it into your own code should not be done. Code snippets beyond short trivial examples (e.g. how to call some particular function) should also not be used verbatim and should be properly referenced. The Brightspace plagiarism checker does include internet resources and forums such as Stackoverflow and will flag code that is viewed as highly similar.